Ancient Pack
Welcome to the Ancient Territory, My name is Tynan Silverfang, I wear the Skull of the previous Alpha male of our territory to show my rank among this pack. If you think you are worthy of this Skull you must first pass the nine trials of Maekrix then challenge me for my position. I have no time for mercy for those who challenge me however so Expect to die if you try it.
Ancient Pack's territory is bordered by two rival packs, These packs we, for our God Vanagandr, must remove. Vanagandr believes they were the reason of the plague we recently experienced. Now we must fight to protect our lands from this happening again.
We have been fighting over Territory with Vanished and Kindled packs since they arrived and stole our lands. Before these two packs showed up the land was prosperous and never saw anything like the plague before. After they arrived and Started fighting against our pack the land has become poisoned. Vanagandr Ordered our pack To take a stand against this threat, Being apart of this ancient pack Requires dedication and the willingness to follow Vanagandr's rules without question.
Vanagandr's rules are as follows:
Rule 1.) Only those who pass the nine trials of Maekrix may lead The Pack of the Ancient territory.
Rule 2.) Do not over hunt the territory
Rule 3.) Only wolves of pure Ancient pack Territory may have Vanagandr's blessing
Rule 4.) Defend the lands with your life
Rule 5.) Demote weak wolves in the pack.
Rule 6.) Each pack member must Visit the Hallowed tree within the territory to be accepted
Rule 7.) Each pup must journey to Longing falls before they are considered for any rank in the pack.
Ancient Pack 9 Trials of Maekrix
1.) Feed the Chi and Psi wolves for three weeks.
2.) Kill a threat to the pack and place it's body on a ant hill until it is nothing but bones
3.) Take the bones from the ant hill and find a usefulness for them, by breaking burring or what ever may help the pack.
4.) Venture into the Caves of Death and spend nine nights within without taking any food or water.
5.) Must eat an entire doe's unborn fawn
6.) fight with all rival wolves who completed the first five trials -Death is not required-
7.) Venture into a Rival pack's territory and steal a pup from them to bring back to Ancient pack and raise so this pup may know Vanagandr's ways and survive.
8.) A dream from Vanagandr will tell you what to do for this Trial. some may never get a dream
9.) Face the current beta of the pack in a challenge to prove you are ready to face the alpha -Death is not required-
After these trials you are a Challenger to the alpha of your gender. If the alpha challenges you you have to accept if you challenge the alpha they must accept. this is a death match only one may survive.