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Alpha Male

Name: Drakon Ryker-Kun

Age: 2 Years

Gender: Male

Pack: Vanished Pack

Rank: Alpha Species: Canis Dirus and Canis Lupus Albus (Half Dire half Tundra)

Eye color: Emerald

Fur Color: Blue with White spots along head Shoulders and Back hunches Also has White along back and chest and belly. With White markings along eyes and tip of ears. Has right front and left back toes are white. And the left front and right back legs have socks of white

Size: Weight: 250 LBS

Height: 3 feet at the shoulder

Length: 7 feet 3 inches

Description: a Steel blue wolf with White spots and a white belly and chest and back frosted. Paws that have different degrees of Toes to socks of white complete his fur coloring This wolf also has one ear that was torn off on the right side.

Personality: a Collected wolf with a high thought process. A strict yet gentle leader of the pack he follows Managarm faithfully

Living Area: a Den that was at one point a Large cave that some type of large creature use to reside in before the pack came to this territory.

Background: When Drakon was a pup he was chosen by the alpha male to train and become the next alpha. Drakon learned well and three months ago a fight near the territory boundary between Vanished territory and Kindled Pack Territory took Drakon's teacher from him. Drakon fought bravely and lost his right ear in the battle, He however left a mark on a brown wolf To prove that Vanished pack wouldn't submit easily to the invasion. Upon returning victorious to the pack's den and told of how the previous alpha died a mourning began and the pack couldn't help but Feel that Drakon having been chosen by his predecessor would be the ideal wolf to lead Vanished during these troubled time was promoted to Alpha male. Last week the alpha female that had been in place before Passed away. With a Heavy heart Drakon Continued his responsibilities to his pack.

Opening to the roleplay: A steel blue wolf with white Markings throughout his body from his chest and belly to his back ridge down to the tip of his tail with all four paws having different degrees of white coverage. The spots along his face and hunches Helps him to blend into the snow during a blizzard. His emerald green eyes scan his territory as he follows the scouts trail. Since his pack had moved here several generations ago the threat of others entering his territory had grown. He had been attacked nearly three months ago with his mentor who had died in the fight following the encounter. With such dangers He felt extra patrols would help his territory stay safer and prevent the other packs from finding a weakness against his. Stopping at the river before he had to cross it to continue his patrol the steel blue wolf looked to the sky the moon was out during the day. A Good omen for That meant his hunters would bring forth decent game this day. Shaking out his fur the Steel blue wolf's eyes focused on the river. It was time to continue his patrol around his territory.

Male Lead Wolf

Alpha Female

Character name: Nova  owned by Taterbugg

Beta Male

Character Sheets here

Beta - second in command of the pack (2 Wolves)

Beta Female

Character Sheets here

Beta - second in command of the pack (2 Wolves)


This a Secondary rank only wolf names will be posted

Gamma- Trainers of pups from 6 months (Only wolves deemed fit by the Alpha's: can't be pregnant or nursing for this position.)

Delta Male

Character Sheet here

Delta – Warrior leader (2 Wolves)

Delta Female

Character Sheet here

Delta – Warrior leader (2 Wolves)

Epsilon Male

Character sheets here

Epsilon – Hunter Leader (2 Wolves

Epsilon Female

Character sheets here

Epsilon – Hunter Leader (2 Wolves


Character sheets here

Zeta -Elder wolves (up to 9 Wolves) (Can't have pups)


Character Sheets here

Theta – Common hunters (up to 9 Wolves)


Character Sheets here

Kappa – Common warriors (up to 9 Wolves)

Lambda Male

Character Sheets here

Lambda – Leaders of the scouts (2 Wolves)

Lambda Female

Character Sheets here

Lambda – Leaders of the scouts (2 Wolves)


Character sheets here

Omieron – Scouts (up to 9 Wolves)

Roe Male

Character Sheets here


Roe - Pup sitters (2 Wolves)

Roe Female

Character Sheets here


Roe - Pup sitters (2 Wolves)

Sigma Wolves

Character sheets 

Sigma – Pups who have reached 6 months and being training (up to 9 Wolves) (Can't have pups)


Character sheets will be posted here

Upilon- Nursing mother wolves or pregnant (no more than 3 at a time)


Character Sheet will be posted here

Tau - pups (up to 9 Wolves) (Can't have pups)

Phi Wolves

Character Sheet will be posted here


Phi- Wolves who are doing Trials to join the pack (No more than 6 at a time)

Chi Wolf

Character sheet will be posted here

 (allowed to have one or two pups to continue the line of the healer.)


Chi - Healer (This healer is both Physical and Spiritual) Male or female (1 Wolf)

Psi Wolf

Character Sheet will be written here gathers Herbs for Healer


Psi – Mate of the Healer, Gathers herbs, Can be a secondary healer when Chi wolf is busy, Male or female, (1 wolf)


Character sheet will be posted here


New members (will become phi wolves after a few days) or wolves that have little benefit to the pack, (Can not have pups, May only be able to cause a smile or tell a joke to another and make the pack happy on occasions.)

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Ranks of Vanished Pack

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