Alpha Male
Name: Tynan SilverFang
Age: 2 Years
Gender: Male
Pack: Ancient
Rank: Alpha Male
Species: Canis lupus lupus and Canis Lupus Occidentalis (Russian wolf and Mackenzie valley wolf with a third breed mixed in)
Eye color: Blue
Fur Color: Black with Grey stripes along back and head
Size: Weight: 260 LBS
Height: 3 feet 6 inches
Length: 7 feet 6 inches
Description: a Fairly large wolf that has mainly black fur with several stripes along his face and back. He wears the skull of the previous alpha male as a way to claim his dominance of his pack
Personality: Quick to anger when he feels pack members are being to slow or weak. His fangs are his best weapon and he knows that the skulls fangs are just as sharp as his. He doesn't hesitate to fight or to use his dominance to influence those around him. His neck fur always stands on end so he can show off how big he is.
Living Area: He has a den That is only big enough for him, his mate and pups. And refuses any other wolves to shelter with in.
Background: After passing his pup hood journey to longing falls he immediately went to visit the Hallowed tree and gained the Favor of Vanagandr. Tynan completed the nine trials faster than any of his predecessors had. He was ready to fight the alpha male by the age of a year and a half. The fight was to the death and Tynan wouldn't have had it any other way. After the battle Tynan stood victorious over the dead corpse of the fallen alpha and howled out his Triumph. He Ate the previous alpha's heart and dragged his body to an ant mound and left it for a few days then returned and took his trophy the previous alpha's skull. He wiggled his head into the skull breaking off the crest. As one of the Trials had required before becoming an alpha. From that point on Tynan had been Alpha male and lowered the rank of the alpha female to Theta. His threat Held firm with the skull of her mate on his face to never try again to be alpha female while he was there.
Male Lead Wolf
Alpha Female
Character sheets
Alpha- Leaders of the pack (2 Wolves)
Beta Male
Character Sheets here
Beta - second in command of the pack (2 Wolves)
Beta Female
Character Sheets here
Beta - second in command of the pack (2 Wolves)
This a Secondary rank only wolf names will be posted
Gamma- Trainers of pups from 6 months (Only wolves deemed fit by the Alpha's: can't be pregnant or nursing for this position.)
Delta Male
Character Sheet here
Delta – Warrior leader (2 Wolves)
Delta Female
Character Sheet here
Delta – Warrior leader (2 Wolves)
Epsilon Male
Character sheets here
Epsilon – Hunter Leader (2 Wolves
Epsilon Female
Character sheets here
Epsilon – Hunter Leader (2 Wolves
Character sheets here
Zeta -Elder wolves (up to 9 Wolves) (Can't have pups)
Character Sheets here
Theta – Common hunters (up to 9 Wolves)
Character Sheets here
Kappa – Common warriors (up to 9 Wolves)
Lambda Male
Character Sheets here
Lambda – Leaders of the scouts (2 Wolves)
Lambda Female
Character Sheets here
Lambda – Leaders of the scouts (2 Wolves)
Character sheets here
Omieron – Scouts (up to 9 Wolves)
Roe Male
Character Sheets here
Roe - Pup sitters (2 Wolves)
Roe Female
Character Sheets here
Roe - Pup sitters (2 Wolves)
Sigma Wolves
Character sheets
Sigma – Pups who have reached 6 months and being training (up to 9 Wolves) (Can't have pups)
Character sheets will be posted here
Upilon- Nursing mother wolves or pregnant (no more than 3 at a time)
Character Sheet will be posted here
Tau - pups (up to 9 Wolves) (Can't have pups)
Phi Wolves
Character Sheet will be posted here
Phi- Wolves who are doing Trials to join the pack (No more than 6 at a time)
Chi Wolf
Character sheet will be posted here Removes sick or weak wolves from the pack this includes pups.
Chi - Healer (For this pack, Killer wolf that removes sick or weak wolves) Male or female (1 Wolf)
Psi Wolf
Character Sheet will be written here Gathers poison herbs to kill sick or weak wolves.
Psi – Mate of the Healer gathers Herbs of poison to Kill off sick or weak wolves, Male or female, (1 wolf)
Character sheet will be posted here
New members (will become phi wolves after a few days) (Can not have pups.)